Saturday, December 20, 2008

In America we trust, indeed we must

So this young American chap walked into the Red Cross office in Phnom Penh asking for help. He said that he is a missionary and would like to help the orphans here.

He was told by the officer in charge that he should try to find assistance somewhere else since the Red Cross doesn’t really handle random and individual request. The officer then suggested several other options; the American Embassy, American NGOs, Christian relief organizations, etc.

Out of curiosity, the officer asked the chap what brought him to Cambodia. He answered, “God.” As if prompted by divine intervention, the chap started to express his religious conviction; that  Christianity is the only religion and all the other denominations are just fluff.

After a few minutes of listening to his theological rant, the officer replied, “To me, all Gods are one, whether it’s for the Catholics, Protestants or Presbyterians.”

In the end, the officer just had to ask, “So, what kind of Christian are you?”

The chap answered, “Well, my mother is Jew and my father is American.

I bet you that the officer was very tempted to throw a shoe at the chap.

p/s: This is a true story by the way.

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